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Friends Remembered Forever

On this page, we'd like to share memories of the much loved pets who are no longer with us. Join our Friends Remember Animals Facebook Group and post about your pet if you'd like us to share their photo and your memories here.


Snoopy, Cree and Sylvester - Remembered by Claire

The dog on the left is Snoopy. We got her as a puppy in about 1968 when I was a toddler. We children were allowed to name her and called her Snoopy as she 'snooped' around. Next to her is her daughter Cree, who became my aunt's dog. Cree was knocked over and killed by a car when I was about 9 and I remember how awful it was for everyone. Snoopy died aged about 16 when I was about 18. I still remember how much she loved going to Richmond Park. She was an excellent swimmer and once at Kensington Gardens, my Dad sent her into the water to fetch a little boy's boat which had run aground. All he needed to do was point at it and tell her to 'fetch'! I loved her SO much! 



The collage of three photos are of our cat, Sylvester. We got him in about 1991 when my sons where small. He was the perfect cat! He loved cuddles and snoozing. He had a fantastic knack of knowing when we needed to take him to the vet or the cattery for his holidays and we used to have entice him home with smoked salmon as he'd go off and hide! He died in 2006, not long after my father died and so it was a very difficult year for me. For many years afterwards I would see him out of the corner of my eye, even though he wasn't there of course.


All three were very loved, much missed, but still remembered 




If you'd like to share your photos and memories of your pets, please join the Friends Remembered Forever Group

Copyright: French Riviera Animals (FRA) Association  -  Registration Number W061010243

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